The City of Cave City does not provide direct sanitation services. Residents should choose from a number of independent companies. Please contact one of them to begin your service in Cave City.

  • Herndon’s Sanitation
    (870) 266-3495

  • Melbourne Sanitation
    Office 870-368-3316
    Cell 501-993-2113

  • Trash Truckin’
    Commercial Service Only

    (870) 283-2587 or (870) 283-2589

  • Waste Connections
    (870) 994-7000

Clean Up Cave City.jpg

In 2015, Cave City joined forces with the White River Regional Solid Waste Management District to bring a first-ever recycling service to our residents. This is part of our larger "Clean Up Cave City" initiative, which also includes yearly Citywide Cleanup events.

January 1, 2023: Indepdence County has suspended the non-electronics recycling trailer program until further notice. Please do not bring cardboard or other items to City Hall at this time. We do still have the Electronic Waste trailer available. We will update residents if this changes, and the program is reinstated.


For more information about recycling in our area, contact White River Regional Solid Waste Management District at (870) 793-5233. You can also visit their website at