Jonas Anderson June 21, 2019 Cave City offers new program for senior citizens Jonas Anderson June 21, 2019 KAIT Region 8 News:
Jonas Anderson August 15, 2018 Fire Department gets new equipment Jonas Anderson August 15, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News:
Jonas Anderson August 2, 2018 Mayor reaching out to community for future development ideas Jonas Anderson August 2, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: As part of the city of Cave City's new planning commission, the mayor is hoping to find out what community members hope to see added to the town in the future.
Jonas Anderson July 27, 2018 Cave City Watermelon Festival draws a crowd Jonas Anderson July 27, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: The Cave City Watermelon Festival drew hundreds to the area from all over the country for the sweetness of the Cave City watermelon.
Jonas Anderson July 12, 2018 Watermelon Festival committee creates scholarship for young farmers Jonas Anderson July 12, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: Organizers of the Cave City Watermelon Festival is working to ensure that the next generation of farmers knows they are supported.
Jonas Anderson July 11, 2018 Fire Department urges residents to add address signs Jonas Anderson July 11, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: A Sharp County fire department is urging residents to make sure their homes are properly marked with address signs.
Jonas Anderson July 5, 2018 City Building Monument To Honor Veterans Jonas Anderson July 5, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: There will soon be a new monument in Cave City to honor the town's veterans."We've actually been talking about it for several years off and on," Mayor Jonas Anderson said. The memorial is being built near the city hall, under the big welcome sign.
Jonas Anderson July 5, 2018 Cave City watermelon growers warn against knockoffs Jonas Anderson July 5, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: It doesn’t quite feel like summertime in Sharp County until the Cave City watermelons hit the stands and that happened this past week.
Jonas Anderson June 4, 2018 Students map out early Arkansas explorer's path Jonas Anderson June 4, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: A group of Cave City students was tasked with exploring parts of early Arkansas to compile a project for the Butler Center in Little Rock that will be used to celebrate Arkansas’ Territorial Bicentennial in 2019.
Jonas Anderson May 24, 2018 Video: Mayor reaching out to community for future development ideas. Jonas Anderson May 24, 2018 KAIT Region 8 News: As part of the city of Cave City's new planning commission, the mayor is hoping to find out what community members hope to see added to the town in the future.